I gave an interview about Pink Kwakoe, a gay event during a big Caribbean festival in Amsterdam I helped organise. The reporter made the conclusion in saying I don't advertise my homosexuality broadly, even though I'm out to friends and family. I meant to say that a lot of people in my Antillean and the Surinamese community are ... Read Moreout to their friends and family, but don't advertise it broadly. I'm an gay activist, so I am very visible in the community as a gay man, for example with the organisation of Pink Kwakoe together with COC Amsterdam.
In the article I state that in the Antillean culture there is room for so called effeminate man to be gay, but the look like other man and be gay is hard. And that's what someone like me is also advocating: people don't have to give up there so called masculinity to be homosexual. This is the male story. In the show we had the 23 year old Miss Femme 2009, telling her story from a lesbian and bisexual point of view. She is from Surinamese descent.
The Article can be read here.