Saturday, January 21, 2006

What kind of a rebel are you?

Last week I visited a ‘performance’ of the theatre organisation Urban Myth, where the organisation’s founder, the young actor Jörgen and a DJ receive guests in the lobby of the prestigious Municipal theatre Stadsschouwburg. The program this time was dedicated to Revolutions. Talking with young and more experienced rebels the two hosts explore the reasons why till the eighties people seemed to rebel more easily then during the last years. The audience could participate too in a photo shoot. There were three prepared figures of a kind of rebel on a board, and the audience could choose which kind of rebel or Revolution they felt more attached to. I choose this one:

Later we got an envelop with a description of the kind of rebel we were. I will translate for you what mine said, and gave my comments on it in yellow.

To survive
I suppose I have this kind of power, I have never thought seriously about suicide for example. But I don’t see my self as a model of Power, which I connect more with physical strength.

Powerful rebel,
Freedom, equality and brotherhood (Liberté, Equalité et Fraternité) are very important to you.
That is true, these were also one of the inspirations for the Big Slave Rebellion of 1795 in Curacao which I’ve been commemorating in Amsterdam.

You are a born leader, but can also be a good follower. For you there is no mountain too high, you will do your utmost to achieve your goals.
This is more the person I’m becoming today. In the past I wasn’t always good in touch with my dreams and goals, so I didn’t always try hard to achieve them.

Your body is your temple and for that reason you take very good care of you. Exercise, drinking a lot of water, each day evolves around yourself. Because the best men wins!
Wish this was true. Today I got home after working at 10.30 PM and had to cook my dinner at that time. I was tired, cold and miserable. I really have to learn yet to take good care of myself.

Some people sees this as a bad thing. But that is because they don’t realise you also need power and knowledge to be able to take care of others. Keeping the harmony can be trusted to you. Just Do It.
I think I’ve been doing this one.

Your role model: Oprah Winfrey
I have a hatred-love thing with Oprah. Sometime she really annoy me with her to obvious commercial praise for artist: ‘Oh, you are the best actor I know…’. But in other shows she reacts on people in the most mature way possible, and guide them to see their own realities in such a honest and profound way. No, Oprah is Top.

Your Link:
This is new to me .

Your action: adopt a chicken.
No, no no! In those senses I will always be a Curacao man. Animals are important, but don’t exaggerate.

I have to say Big Up to Hidde Simons who organised this part and sent me the picture I asked him.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Tania Kross sings Curacao

Curacao born mezzo-soprano Tania Kross will perform a special program with songs of her native island Tuesday 17 January at the Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in Amsterdam.

Mezzosopraan Tania Kross is bijna altijd alleen maar te horen in allerlei operatheaters met de prachtigste aria’s. Maar er is nog een andere kant : haar Antilliaanse roots.
Juist omdat haar carriere zo voorspoedig verloopt, heeft het splinternieuwe en schitterende Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in Amsterdam Tania de kans gegeven om een programma samen te stellen met repertoire dat haar na aan het hart ligt, en dat hier in Nederland bijna nooit te horen is : muziek uit haar ‘eerste thuisland’: de Caraïben.

Ze heeft een pracht programma samengesteld met o.a. Bo tin ku bolbe (van René Clemencia), Soño di anochi en Nenita (van Emilio Prudencia), Chuchubi en Sunú (van Oswin “Chin Behilia), en natuurlijk Tantan Meri en Nonze su kantika di tambu, waarin allerlei mooie muzikale kanten van de Antillen belicht worden.

Tania zou niets liever willen dan al deze liederen te zingen voor mensen, die dezelfde warme gevoelens bij deze muziek krijgen als zij zelf. Voor mensen die weten waar de muziek over gaat. De warmte van de Antillen wordt dan ook voelbaar in de zaal, zodat iedereen ongetwijfeld blij naar huis gaat. Juist omdat deze muziek bijna nooit in een dergelijk mooie setting wordt uitgevoerd, zou Tania het geweldig vinden juist dit concert met u te delen.

Randal Corsen en Roel Calister en nog veel meer musici spelen mee. Tania kreeg hiervoor carte blanche van het Muziekgebouw.

Dit eenmalige concert vindt plaats op dinsdag 17 januari a.s. om 20.30 uur in Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in Amsterdam. Er zijn vast nog wel last minute kaartjes te krijgen, maar om goede plaatsen te krijgen is het verstandig van te voren de kassa te bellen op tel. 020-788 2000, en te reserveren.

Muziekgebouw aan het IJ ligt vlak achter het Centraal Station, en is uitstekend per auto te bereiken. Vlakbij is een ruime parkeergarage.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The best of 2005

On January 24 2005, my first niece was born: Jaylienne, daugther to my older brother Julien.

And on July 16 2005, my sister Sibelle married her long term friend, boyfriend and fiance Siji.

The worst of 2005

Two young men were killed in Iranbeacuse they were gay Authoroties declared they were punished for a rape case, a excuse oftenly used in cases where sons of rich and influential people get caught in homosexual acts. Read more at the site of the International Gay and Lesbians Human Rights Commission.